10 Beginner Vegetables To Grow At Home

One thing is for sure, we're in uncertain times right now. Food is a big concern, especially fresh foods. So why not grow your own? It isn't too late to get started on a home vegetable garden. You can even buy already started plants if you don't want to risk sprouting your own seeds. All you'll need is some large pots, or a space in your yard that gets plenty of sun, some gardening soil, and the vegetables of your choice.
Growing your own vegetables can sound pretty daunting. That's why we've got a list of the top 10 easiest vegetables to grow. It's a great way to start off small and see how it's all done. Once you've gotten a successful little garden going, you may even want to expand and try some new ones! There are all kinds of varieties of summer and winter vegetables, so you can keep growing all year round.
1. Lettuce
Lettuce loves the cool weather of early spring and late autumn. You can begin planting most varieties of lettuce as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Depending on the variety, lettuce grows well in temperatures between 40 to 85 degrees F. For an extra harvest in the year, begin planting fall lettuce in late summer so it reaches maturity when the fall air is cool.
you should plant approximately 10 seeds per foot. Space your rows 12 to 18 inches apart. Once they sprout, select the strongest seedlings, and thin the rest to about 6 inches apart. Removed seedlings can be transplanted or even used as micro-greens.
2. Cucumbers
Cucumbers like warm soil, so make sure to plant after any danger of frost is past. They thrive well in spots that get at least 8 hours of full sun a day. All they need is some well-drained soil, and a space to spread out or a trellis to climb.
Because they like to spread out, these vegetables might be tricky to grow in a pot, but it could be done with a very large planter and trellis.
3. Carrots
Carrots grow best in cool temperatures like those that occur in early spring and late fall.
Plant your carrots in rows that are 12 inches apart. Seeds should be planted about a ½ inch deep and 1 to 2 inches apart. When growing carrots in the garden, you’ll wait for your carrot plants to appear. When the plants are 4 inches high, thin the weaker plants until the remaining sprouts are about 2 inches apart.
Carrots require deep ground to grow, so you'll need a pot that is at least 12 inches deep.
4. Tomatoes
You can start tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before your last spring frost date, or you can wait and buy pre-grown tomato plants from your local nursery. Tomatoes need at least 6 hours of full sunlight, especially in colder region. For warmer regions, light afternoon shade will keep tomatoes protected from the harsh midday sun and help them thrive.
They need well drained soil that won't pool water to grow. You'll want a wider pot to help support a tomato cage for these veggies.
5. Bell Peppers
Bell peppers have a longer growing season (60-90 days), so it's best to start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before your last spring frost date.
These vegetables like 6-8 hours of full sun per day. If these plants start to get to big, you can use tomato cages to help them gain support.
6. Radishes
These are perfect to plant at the beginning of spring or fall, and they mature very quickly.
Choose a site that gets at least six hours of sun a day. Prepare a light, well-drained soil and till the soil to a depth of at least eight inches. Then, to sow the seeds, simply make furrows about three inches apart and plant the seeds at a depth of about 1/2 inch and cover loosely with soil.
Radishes can be grown in a pot that is at least 6 inches deep. The amount of radishes per pot varies depending on the diameter, but a 24 inch pot can hold up to 18 radishes!
7. Spinach
Spinach prefers cooler weather, so in order to give spinach the required six weeks of cool weather from seeding to harvest, it’s important to seed as soon as you can.
Select a planting site with full sun (or partial sun, at least) and well-drained soil.
Common spinach cannot grow in midsummer. The heat will cause it to bolt much to quickly. If you live in a place with mild winters, you can also plant in the fall. Wait to plant until soil temps are cool enough.
Spinach can easily be grown in planter pots!
8. Green Beans
There are two varieties to consider here: bush beans and pole beans.
Bush beans grow compactly (about 2 feet tall) and do not require a trellis or cage for support.
Pole beans grow like climbing vines that can reach 10 to 15 feet tall. These require a climbing structure for support.
Bush beans typically need less maintenance and are easier to grow, but pole beans typically yield more beans and are mostly disease-resistant.
Seeds are best sown outdoors any time after the last spring frost date in your area. If you plant too early, cold and moist soil can cause root rot in your plants.
Do not start green bean seeds indoors. Due to their fragile roots, they may not survive transplanting. You'll need at least a 2 gallon container for these veggies.
9. Beets
Sow beets in the garden 2 to 3 weeks before the last average frost date in spring. Continue succession plantings every 3 weeks until temperatures reach 80°F. Beets can again be planted in late summer or early autumn 6 to 8 weeks before the first average frost in autumn. Beets require 45 to 65 days to reach harvest. Beets can tolerate frost but will go to seed if temperatures are too cold. Grow beets as a winter crop in mild-winter regions.
Plant beets in well-worked loose soil rich in organic matter. Be sure to remove all stones and clods from planting beds so as not to impede or split growing roots. Plant them 3 inches apart and space rows 12-18 inches apart.
10. Peas
There are three common types of peas that people use:
English peas, or shelling peas, produce inedible pods from which large, edible peas are harvested.
Snow peas produce edible flat pods with small peas inside.
Snap peas produce tender, edible pods with full-size peas.
Peas are a great plant for refreshing your soil. Theywill fix nitrogen in the soil, making it more available for other plants.
It's good to start planting these in February, March, or April in most parts of the United States and Canada. They can even be grown as a fall or winter crop in warm areas of the U.S.
For tall and vining varieties, make sure to provide stakes or a trellis for the plants to climb.You'll need a pot that is 8-12 inches deep.
And that's it! We wish you good luck in all your planting endeavors. Do you have a favorite vegetable that isn't on this list? Maybe you have some awesome gardening tips? Share them in the comments below, we'd love to hear from you!
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