In honor of Father’s Day...

In honor of Father’s Day...

In honor of Father’s Day, we wanted to give a shout out to one of our favorite camping blogs: DadCAMP.

DadCAMP was started in 2009 by a Canadian dude named Buzz Bishop, who was inspired by his two sons, Zacharie and Charlie.  Buzz’s blog covers all types of family-friendly topics, but this being Hot Ash we especially enjoy the Camping and Hiking section.  

There’s lots of helpful info, but the best part of his blog is his recounting of all the mishaps that occur on his family camping trips.  His sense of humor makes for entertaining reading as he describes the antics that transpire on his attempts at successful camping get-a-ways.  You’ll get a kick out of it.  

We also learned a great new phrase compliments of DadCAMP.  Uncamping. According to Buzz, uncamping “happens when you go to a campsite, do all the activities at the campground, but come home and sleep in your own bed.”  A handy term to describe something I’m sure a lot of us have experienced. Classic.

Be sure to check out Buzz’s blog at, and happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

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